SE Demo 1.1 Patch Notes

Patch Notes 1.1

New Additions:

  • Added a Mac version of the 1.1 Demo on the
  • Added a Linux Version of the 1.1 Demo on the
  • Added "weaknesses" to all enemies (ex: fire moves does 25% more to ice monsters, ice monsters take 50% less from ice moves, etc.)

General Changes:

  • Fixed a Bug where the demo intro triggers for a second time if you hit the other intro event square, both intro event squares should go away after interaction with just one but for some reason the other one stayed.
  • Fixed a problem where Ladrón's special character"ó" would not appear in some peoples computers and would crash the very first dialog scene in the game
  • Added Descriptions for all skills in the demo
  • Added Descriptions for all weapons in the demo
  • Added Descriptions for all the items in the demo
  • Added Descriptions for all the armors in the demo
    (The Description changes were kind of obvious but for some reason never came across my mind)
  • Starting DEMO level was decreased to 9 from 11

Escaping from combat:

  • I messed with around with agility stat for both the party and the enemies

** NOTE: 
* I will be talking about the parameter Curves and the Growth rate for the classes of each character
*       Sadly RPG maker does not give out numbers on the Growth Rate so I am going to do a scale from 10 to -10
*       10 being really fast, or a Logarithmic Growth Curve (Logarithmic Growth Curves increase quickly in the beginning 
* but slows down and becomes more difficult as you get closer to 99).
*       while -10 will be really slow, or a Exponential Growth Curve(A Exponential Growth Curve increases slowly in the 
* beginning but picks up speed near the later levels to reach the Max value at 99). 
* also 0 is the normal diagonal growth rate.

Hero Changes:

  • Gladio's level 99 Defense Value was decreased to 150 (was 250... I know thats really high)
  • Gladio's level 99 Magic Defense Value was Decreased to 125 (was 200)
  • Ladrón's level 1 Attack valvu was lowered from 15 to 13
  • Ladrón's level 99 Attack value was lowered from 160 to 153
  • Ladrón's Attack Growth Rate was decreased down to a 5 (it was a 10 before)
  • Ladrón's level 1 Health value was decreased from 440 to 400
  • Ladrón's level 99 Health value was Increased from 5350 to 5500
  • Ladrón's Health Growth Rate was increased from -8 to -3
  • Ladrón's Defense Growth Rate was Decreased to -7 (was -2)

No Changes


No Changes

Armors and Weapons:

  • I changed ALL the stats, prices, and effects for all the weapons, I needed to change all of the values because it was really effecting the game


  • Modified alot of the values on all enemies


Keirseidyss The Icebreath:

  • Health was increased to 5000
  • His Damage was increased by 35
  • His Defense was increased by 30
  • He now does his Magic Spells
  • He no longer has Single Attack, he does double attack normally


Double Attack:

  • Changed the Formula from 'a.atk * 4 - b.def * 2' to 'a.atk * 2.5 - b.def * 2'
  • Lowered the TP cost to 20(was 35)

Sana's Song 1:

  • MP cost was increased to 10(it was 5)

Sana's Song 2:

  • MP cost was increased to 25 (it was 5)
  • Unlock level is now 12

Fire 1:

  • MP cost increased to 20 (was 15)

Thunder 1:

  • MP Cost increased to 20 (was 15)

Water 1:

  • TP Gain was increased to 4 (was 3)
  • The formula for water 1 to '100 + a.mat * 2 - b.mdf * 2' 


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